In today’s digital era, Mobile Apps have become very handy for each and every individual holding a smartphone. Be it a farmer from the rural villages of Nepal communicating with their relatives living far away, or a sophisticated corporate individual browsing about Global Events every now and then, Mobile Apps have proven to be useful for all. 


But is Mobile App Development as easy as thought? Definitely not! Behind every successful Mobile App follows a series of significant steps including a meticulous process of planning and crafting the project story, execution and development, vigorous QA and Testing and continuous Deployment in the servers. In this comprehensive Q&A blog, we explore the key concepts, best practices and industry insights about Mobile App Development and gain a deeper understanding of a digital concept that every human has on their fingertips. 


Q1: In what stages is a Mobile App development complete?


Answer:Well, as Industry Experts, no software is truly complete or mature ever but it does get lively when all the features defined during the Project Conceptualization have been successfully achieved. 


In the case of Mobile App Development, it starts from ideation and incubation of the project concept to design, development, testing and deployment. 


The ideation stage defines the purpose of the App, target audience and key features the App will cater. Having a clear picture of how it will benefit the end user is utmost during this phase.


Then follows the Design Stage where professional designers create Wireframes and UI/UX elements to showcase how the App Interface will look like when it’s ready. This stage is crucial as it gives even more clarity to the project concept and makes the requirement mature. 


The UI/UX design is made functional during the Development Stage, where professional developers code the app’s functionality using latest and most relevant Programming Languages such as Swift, Kotlin, Java and/or JavaScript. 


The most important stage in the lifecycle of Mobile App Development is QA and Testing where each and every element of the App is extensively tested using various Testing processes until it is assured that the App is functional and meets the project expectations. 



Q2: How do you ensure the security of the Mobile Apps?


Answer:Internet has made everything vulnerable when used carelessly. Therefore, Security is the paramount in any software development, especially in Mobile App Development as we carry them in our hands all the time. Most apps require personal as well as sensitive data and are vulnerable to being stolen and misused. Having seen all those cases, at Rewa soft we implement Industry-standard Security practices throughout the Mobile App Development process. This practice includes implementation of Secure Authentication mechanisms, encryption during data transmission, and adhering to the best coding practices. We also conduct regular Security Audits and penetration testing to identify and resolve any vulnerabilities that may arise during and after deployment as well. 


Q3: What benefits does Cross-Platform development has over Native Development?


Answer:Cross Platform Development allows developers to create Apps that run seamlessly on diverse platforms such as iOS and Android, catering to needs of all end users using a single codebase. This adds advantage to the cost and time invested in App Development in addition to easier maintenance. Moreover, cross platform frameworks like React Native and Flutter offer enhanced User Experience and Native-like performance. Undoubtedly, cross-platform frameworks are gaining popularity among Businesses and Developers as compared to Native Development Platforms. 


Q4: How do you ensure the scalability of Mobile Apps for future growth?


Answer:Each and every business has the vision to expand over time. Likewise, Mobile Application, a crucial digital asset of the business needs to be scalable along with business itself. Scalability is a prominent aspect of Mobile App Development that are expected to handle a large base of targeted users. At Rewa Soft, we strive to design and build apps that accommodate scalable backend structure and is compatible with leveraging cloud based infrastructure. These features allow the app to seamlessly handle changes in user-traffic, data volume and enhancements without compromising performance of the App. 


Q5: What post launch support does Rewa Soft provide for Mobile Apps?


Answer:Rewa soft is committed to providing excellent customer support throughout the Software Development Cycle. Once, your mobile app is deployed in the App/Play Store, we offer dedicated support services for regular updates and maintenance to ensure that the App is functional 24/7. We have a team of professionals dedicated to address any issues that may arise post-launch of the App, providing ongoing assistance to elevate the App’s Success. 


Q6: What are your approaches on User Feedback and iteration on Mobile Apps?


Answer:We develop Apps for users, to cater their needs, by collecting their requirements. Therefore, user feedback is a crucial aspect in refining the quality of the Apps we develop. We actively seek for feedbacks from Users through survey forms, reviews, and analytics tools to gain relevant insights into their needs and preferences. Based on the feedbacks we receive, we evaluate the requirements, set priorities and execute them. We focus on feature enhancements and updates to address flaws and improve the overall user experience. Continuous iteration and refinement are practiced to keep the App up-to-date and relevant for active users. 


Q7: What competitive advantage does Rewa Soft have in the area of Mobile App Development?


Answer:At Rewa Soft, we strive for innovation, and commitment to client success by ensuring the quality of Software we build and deliver. Our commitment to exceeding excellence in our works set us apart in the competitive arena of Mobile App Development. We blend our technical expertise with creative thinking to deliver the best solutions that meet and exceed our client’s expectations. Our approach of collaboration, transparent communication and client-centric mindset ensure a seamless and rewarding experience for our clients at every stage of development process. 


On an ending note, Mobile App Development is a dynamic and multifaceted field that requires expertise, creativity, innovation and attention to details. By working closely with experienced professionals like Rewa Soft, businesses can take over the power of Technology to reach out to the target audience effectively. With prime focus on quality, security, and scalability, Rewa Soft is determined to lead the way in shaping the future of Mobile App Development. 


Contact us to discuss on your concept of your ideal Mobile Application today!

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