Why do businesses need a website?

Do you run an online business? Do you have a startup or small business? Do you want to make more sales in your business? Then you are top of the list of businesses that need websites with better UI/UX and a strong Call to Action. A good-performing website is your business’s largest marketing tool. It’s just as important as having a social media page or office space.


If you don’t have a professional website as a business owner, you are limiting your business opportunities. Following are the major reasons for you to have a good website:


1: Modern Customers Expect It


You are living in 2022 and the lives of our people have been digitized. Before they bother to visit your brand or company physically, they find it convenient to go online and check what your company or brand has to offer them.


As a matter of fact, six out of ten customers expect the brands to provide online content about their business on some form of digital property, and more than half head straight to the brand’s website for product information. So if your business doesn’t have a good website, what will happen?


Well, they will check and change their buying decision to Not to Buy from You. Get a good website to grab this enormous opportunity.


2: Your Business Will Gain Credibility & Brand Legitimacy


With the increasing digital trends, more and more people are searching online for things they want. If you don’t have a performing website, potential customers will go to your competitors who do have a better website, especially if you are a home-based business without a bricks-and-mortar address or you operate your businesses solely on social media like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp or similar platform.


Social media marketing is a good advertising strategy, but it’s not just enough to have a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram page. There has to be a central place where your customers can go to make a purchase or learn more about the services you render.  Having a good business website will not only provide information about your company or brand but also give credibility.


In simple words, the presence of a good business website says, “I am here, I mean business, and I am trustworthy.”


3: Cost-Effective Solution


When the companies come into the market, they spend too much creating brochures, distributing them, playing ads on social media to boost, etc. Instead of spending tens of thousands of rupees on a single advertisement, owning a website for your business can prove to be helpful for you in the long run.


Your potential customers can find out about you and any of your products online. Even if you get most of your business through networking and personal connections, they will want to check out your website.


And having a good website can make the difference you want to bring to your business.


4: Your Customers Can Stay Updated


In its most basic form, think of a business website as an online brochure or catalog that can be updated to provide any type of new updates happening in your company.


Be it the launch of your new products or any sort of sales promotion, a business website makes it much easier and quicker to update your information to customers so that they can stay informed and updated with the least investment.


5: Accessible Around the Clock


In today’s digital world, customers need something that is accessible 24/7. Sure you cannot stay there and respond to the queries of your customers all day and night long. So in this scenario, a business website can help.


A website will work but Good Website will serve the purpose the way you would want to treat your prospects.


6: Youll Appear in Google Search Results


When you have your website developed and managed by professionals, you can appear on Google Search Results. As a matter of fact, more than 50 percent of consumers go to Google before making any purchase.


That means, your website has a chance of getting the attention of the customer and making them loyal for the longer term provided the quality and affordability.


7: More Customers


According to statista.com, more than 37.7% (12 Million) population of Nepal use the internet every day, and some 50% of those have purchased something or contacted a company online in the last 12 months.


E-commerce giant Daraz says more than 50% of its orders are coming from outside Kathmandu Valley. A website can show your presence in this ever-rising market for sure but having a good website will help you record these data through forms and better Call to Action.


It provides higher chances that users spend more time on your website than just an average-looking/functioning website. So by not having a good business website, you might be missing out on a big piece of the pie.


You have a website, well that’s great! You already know the benefits. But, having a Good Website is what will make a difference. It’s hard to find your competitors who don’t have websites.


But, it’s for sure that there are many competitors that you can get ahead of just by having a better-performing website with beautiful design and flawless User Experience. Following are some other benefits of having a website.


But the benefits of having a Great Website are what you must be looking forward to.


8: Target A Wider Audience


As mentioned earlier, a business website helps your business to be accessible from anywhere, provided there is an internet connection. You can target a much wider audience that might be interested in the products you offer or the services you provide.


Think of all the people who cant get to your Shops/Stores/Venues or do not use social media, to whom you could sell your products.


9: It Provides A Medium to Showcase Your Work


Regardless of the type of business you are in, a website is a great place to showcase your products or services offered.


You can represent your work with beautiful portraits or images and demonstrate what your company offers and what makes it unique and better than others in the market.


10: Communication with Customers


One another reason for having a business website is that it provides a medium to communicate with your customers to find out what they want and what they feel about your company.


Many business websites have a chat option for the customers that can help them communicate with the clients easily and solve their queries. In addition to that, by having a blog or even just a feed on your website, you can update customers on your newest offers, products, promotions, events, photos, or any other content.


12: You Dont Need Extensive Technical Skills


You can own and operate a website effortlessly with just a few hours of training. Once the development of the Website is completed, and it is ready for handover, a few hours of training allows almost anyone to get a basic website up and running.


13: You Control the Narrative


You cannot control what others say about your company on social media, but you can influence public perception by creating your own story via a business website.


This way, people can get to know the amount the vision, message, and products of your company from your perspective.


14: You Can Beat Your Competitors


Have you ever wanted to start a business and beat the big players? Well if so, having a business website with solid design and strategy can help you to do so. Your website can break down the perceived wall between you and them.


Check outWhy do furniture businesses need an E-commerce website?


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