You know hundreds of new websites are launched every day around the World. Each website is built for a different business with unique offerings of Products and Services but just imagine encountering two websites that look exactly the same but represent two entirely different businesses. Well, that might be the case with Template Websites that seem lucrative with their PRICES. They look attractive on the outside, but can you expect the same with all other features? 



While Custom Websites and Web Applications are developed from scratch by a team of programmers and designers. Custom Websites may be a bit in the upper range of Budget compared to Template sites but investing in them is totally worth it. Read to find out the differences between Template Websites and Custom Websites!!


Brand Identity


Just like your Physical Store, your website needs to be unique. It must be consistent with your brand identity, let’s say Logo at the least. In addition, you must also consider the growth of your business. When your business grows, your website will need enhancements and improvisations which are least expected from Template-based free websites that are offered in the market at unbelievably low prices. 



There are tens of thousands of freely available Template Designs for Websites which can be set up and taken live within a couple of hours with the help of someone who knows how to do it, of course!! So, you have a domain name, you get this economic almost free Website and add up your business name, logo, content and update your products. You even host it and share it publicly.

Keep in mind, somewhere around the other corner of the World, someone else might be doing the same thing with the same template. This highlights our issue here: Your business will never be able to establish your Brand Value with a website that has been copied from somewhere which is available to the whole world. 


On the other hand, Custom Designed Websites comply with your business values, brand Identity and maintain consistency and reliability as well. When someone visits your website, they will feel the genuineness and honesty that you have put into your Website in the form of Content, User Interface, User Experiences, testimonials from your clients, and many more. Custom Websites are definitely a YES to enhance your BRAND IDENTITY in the market. 




Security is a major concern in the world of the Internet. Where everything is online, it is very crucial that our business information such as leads, prospects, product information remains confidential. Well, Custom Designed Websites built by a proper team are designed from scratch addressing all the security concerns.

You will be the sole owner of your Website and have control over the data you obtain from your Website. A well-structured Website is not prone to hacking and data loss, unlike Template Websites which use almost the same database for multiple copies of the sites. You may not have the flexibility of strengthening the security measures in Template Websites while it is a cup of tea in custom-designed Websites. 


Therefore, in terms of Security, Custom Websites are far ahead of Template Websites which are limited to minimal features. 




To those who are highly conscious about Price and Budget, Template Website could be the first option unless you have identified the consequences after purchase. Custom Websites might sound a bit expensive at first, but with all the features and benefits they come with, it's totally worth investing in Custom Sites. 


It's better to invest early and skim off returns than cut corners and pay even more later just like with Template Websites. 


So, YES Template Websites are cheap and economic because they only serve your purpose for a short time. However, well-invested Custom Websites will surely serve you for a remarkably long period of time given you take proper care of them. 




Template Websites look attractive and are loaded with features that may or may not be suitable for your business requirement. Your business needs may vary over time requiring you to upgrade your website. With Template sites, you will have the least freedom to add any extra feature without investing a huge sum of money and that too without the certainty that it will actually work at its best. Also, template sites might not be responsive for all devices. You'd never want your site to look stretched, cropped, or compressed when viewed on different devices. 


However, custom websites offer high flexibility in scalability, responsiveness, and upgrading as well. You can add new features, customize your design and User Experience as per your need. You can automate your sales and marketing through the Add-on features that can be incorporated into Custom Websites. 


Therefore, if your business is scalable, your website needs to be scalable as well. And scalability is better with Custom Websites rather than Template websites. 


Search Engine Optimization Features


When you build a website for your business, you hope to be found by your prospective customers. For that, you need to invest some effort in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so that your site can be displayed to the searchers when they are looking for a product or service like yours. 


Hence, you need to plan beforehand for the SEO of your Website, your Digital Platform for showcasing your offerings. 


Template websites might have minimal features or none that can help you optimize your site for Search Engines which will require you to hire someone to either work vigorously while investing a huge sum of money or develop features that will ease the process which again will cost you money. 


On the other hand, with Custom Websites, you can plan your website beforehand so that you will be able to perform basic SEO tasks by yourself. This will not only reduce the recurring long-term costs but also give you the freedom to choose how to market and optimize your website. You will be in charge of how your Website is doing and what you need to do in order to do better. 


Therefore, in the long run, custom websites are highly recommended for SEO purposes as compared to Template Websites. 


Key Takeaway Points:


    • Custom Websites help establish a better and unique brand identity while Template Websites are available to multiple businesses from different industries. An attractive design is most probably chosen by numerous users. 
    • Custom Websites are highly secure and confidential than templates as you have the sole ownership of your site as compared to shared Databases and loopholes in Template Websites.
    • Template Websites are economic and easy to set up while Custom Websites take time to plan, design, develop and deploy.
    • Template Websites offer less room for upgrading and scalability while you can entirely customize your Custom Websites.
    • Template Websites are more complex than Custom Websites when it comes to optimization. The available features may not be enough to meet your business requirement. 



In conclusion, as one of the leading Software Company in Nepal, we do not prioritize and recommend businesses to use Template Websites because we have seen the consequences that come along. We have encountered many businesses that have gone through the trouble resulting from Template Websites.


With custom websites, there are no hidden costs. The total applicable investment is quoted beforehand and you do not pay a penny more than that unless you choose to distort the features agreed upon. 


Another way of web design


So, if you are thinking of designing and developing a Website for your business, think about these points: 


    • Will I be able to create a great Brand Identity with the site I am planning?
    • Can I be assured about the security of my data and information? Should I be worried about potential hacks?
    • Am I investing the right amount for the asset I am building in the long run?
    • Will the site I am planning address my business needs one year from now?
    • Will I be able to optimize my site to gain organic traffic?
    • Am I choosing the right and most reliable service provider?


Once you have answered these questions, you are ready to get your business a great Website. 


If your business need a website, do't hesitate to join hands with us. Our professional team of experts are here to build an innovative and functional website for your business.

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